Help safeguard your dealership with compliance and legal awareness training.

Ensuring your team is educated given the evolving regulatory environment starts with Ally Academy. From compliance certifications to legal awareness essentials to F&I management, our transformative training teaches dealers how to showcase the value of F&I products while protecting themselves and their dealership from risk exposure. These programs help to educate dealers on some of the laws affecting the industry, some of the fraud Ally is seeing in the retail automotive space, and what you can do to help protect your dealership as a whole. See how you can improve your compliance processes with a few of these certifications under the belt:
Earning An ECOA Certification
Laws and regulations continue to evolve and require a careful understanding to ensure compliance. Legal Awareness with Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) Certification is designed to explain some of the laws affecting the industry and penalties for violations. In just three hours, dealers learn how to view their operations through a regulatory lens along with best practices that they can use to help reduce their own job-specific risk, which can ultimately help them save money.
Get Smart About Fraud Awareness
In our Fraud Awareness course, you can learn about some of the types of fraud Ally is seeing in the retail automotive space and, most importantly, discover ways you can help protect your dealership from potential fraud.
Going Beyond With AFIP Certification
Ally is currently sponsoring a Certification Bootcamp through the Association of Finance and Insurance Professionals (AFIP), so you can take your compliance training even further. This comprehensive 2-day certification class equips your employees with the tools they need to help them understand state and federal regulations to guide productive F&I conversations. View upcoming courses and register online with an exclusive discount code “Ally2023!”.
Finding Flexible Formats
To maximize flexibility, online courses offer the freedom to learn anywhere at any time. If you prefer being in-person, on-site courses bring your team together in a collaborative and hands-on environment.
Getting Started
Help develop your team’s compliance knowledge and help set your dealership on a path to greater compliance efficiencies by signing up for in-depth training with Ally Academy or AFIP. For more information on our full suite of training courses, view our course catalog.

Full service
Solutions and support for every inch of your dealership and beyond.
Ally provides a full suite of products and services delivered by a stacked team that wants nothing more than to see you succeed.