Help shield your inventory from vehicle theft.

Vehicle theft climbed towards record-breaking highs within the past four years. With greater accessibility to technology that aids criminals and the recent targeting of specific vehicles models, it’s no surprise the National Insurance Crime Bureau reported 1,020,729 vehicles stolen nationwide within 2023 alone.
As an insurance provider to over 4,600 dealerships, we’re dedicated to helping ease dealers’ concerns with additional resources, secure the value of their inventory and reverse this unfortunate trend.
It’s important to first understand how these thefts occur in order to address the problem head-on and devise a plan to protect your dealership.
Some ways thieves get access:
- Thieves pose as casual shoppers and look for weaknesses in a dealership’s storage methods
- Key fob duplicators and relay hack devices amplify a wireless signal that activates without being next to the vehicle
- Keys and key fobs are stolen directly and vehicles are driven right off the lot
With the right knowledge and resources, your dealership can put measures in place to help decrease theft potential and retain lot value.

“Ally is certainly working hand-in-hand with our dealer customers to help them with best practices. We’ll take a look at their lots and provide them some tips on how to help prevent theft.”
– Aaron Lee, Ally Dealership Insurance Senior Director
Keep in mind some simple yet effective strategies:
1. Keep keys in a secure place that blocks wireless signals for duplication
2. Track personnel schedules and access to keys
3. Don’t leave keys unattended on desktops, in showrooms or in service areas
4. Implement strict inventory management, tracking devices and a camera system so you immediately know when a car is stolen
5. Keep high-end vehicles in restricted areas
6. Park vehicles sideways in front of closed entrance gates at night
Take the time to adopt strategies and equip your team with the tools they need to deter criminals. To learn more about vehicle theft and Ally Dealership Insurance, read what Ally Dealership Insurance Senior Director Aaron Lee had to say in this recent Automotive News article.

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